To enter into a Muslim wedding ceremony Both men and women must be Muslim believers. If one person is not a Muslim He or she must first convert to Muslim and profess to join the Islamic faith at the mosque. The Imam will be the solemn authority for those who profess to be believers in the only God who has manifested Himself through the teachings of Muhammad.
In an Islamic way Polygamy is permissible. where one man can have up to 4 wives at the same time Read more...
She found herself in a wide open field. which has nothing special But instead, she felt that her heart was filled with happiness. It was a peace she had never experienced before. It seemed that she had already been to this empty field and knew what was about to happen next. at that instant A bright light appeared in front of her. She saw the body of a person. Read more...
I met Alan near the train station. in which my car's engine was turned off due to the flooding He volunteered to follow his friends to help, but it was almost midnight. after talking He agreed to drive me home. Where did Lan have to drive through the water, overflowing the bank and flooding the road? Then it wasn't even five minutes before I got home. Alan's car seems to be in trouble, it seems to be in trouble. Read more...
"Fai", a university student
We assisted Fai with her application preparation and projects until she was accepted into the university as a scholarship student. Read more...
My name is Amir. I grew up in a strict Muslim family. And I believe that Islam is the perfect religion from Allah. I searched for a way to get to heaven but I couldn't find that way and when I searched from Torah and Injil I also know “My life is no longer the same.” Read more...
“I was born into a Muslim family. When I was a child, my parents followed Isa Almasi's teachings. After that we started going to Holy Scripture study groups every Sunday.” Read more...
"The Story of Malika"
I was born into a very religious family. I was brought up in traditional Islamic ways. during adolescence So I have a strong desire to be a good Muslimah. (Muslim women) in the eyes of Allah Read more...