Allah or Jesus

Part 1

Last month I attended the annual training required to maintain security at state prisons. In this training, there is talk about the beliefs of 3 religions: Roman Catholicism. Protestant Christianity and Islam

I was especially interested in what the Imams from Islam had to say.

The imam explained the basic tenets of Islam in an excellent manner with video clips. After the three speakers finished speaking, it was time for questions.

So I asked the Imam: “If I misunderstood. Please help me solve this. But I understand that most imams and Islamic teachers must declare jihad. (Holy War) and resist the heretics by killing them. This is a command that Muslims must follow in order for them to be guaranteed heaven. In that case, could you please give me a definition of “infidel”?”

Without any disagreement or hesitation, he replied, “People who don't believe in Islam!”

I replied, “That means.. All worshipers of Allah are ordered to kill anyone who does not share their beliefs. so that he can go to heaven Am I understanding this correctly?”

The Imam's expression changed from that of one who spoke with authority and absolute command. It turned out to be a little boy who had just been caught secretly eating candy. He replied sheepishly, “Yes.”

I continued, “Yes, but when I imagine Pope John Paul ordering all Catholics to kill people of your faith, or Dr. Stanley ordering Christians to do the same to get to heaven? I think it would be a big problem.”

The imam was silent and did not say anything.

I continued saying “I would have trouble being friends with you. If you and your religious leaders ordered me to be killed. I would like to ask a question. You want Allah to kill me so I can go to heaven. Or there was Jesus who told me to love you because I was going to heaven. And He wants you to go to heaven with me?”

This is a true story written by Rick Mathes, a well-known leader in prison ministry.

Part 2

The Christian God and the Islamic God have different ways of dealing with sin. throughout history God required a sacrifice to atone for sin. In the past we used animals as sin offerings.

But God wanted a perfect sacrifice that, once offered, could atone for everyone's sin. So He offered Himself as a sacrifice, which is Jesus.

God in flesh, a perfect, sinless sacrifice,  so that all men might be redeemed from sin. All we have to do is Believe and accept Jesus. He has given us eternal life in heaven.

The condition for going to heaven in Islam is to do good according to the 5 pillars of faith.

But the problem is We never do enough good to meet God's will.


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