This is an email from someone interested in Muslims.
I have studied and learned quite a lot about Christianity. But what makes Christianity not even close to a religion is that There is too much sectarian division among Christians. Each group adheres to different teachings.
Even though Islam itself has many sects But we also respect God. We believe in Muhammad. (A.L.) same We believe in the same Quran. (Book for Muslims) - Bilal
You may find Muslims who are as interested as Bilal is. which raises the issue of different Christian beliefs as evidence that “Christianity is not really a religion that comes from God.”
Meanwhile They cannot accept Islam because Islam also has different beliefs.
So how would you answer this question?
The matter of Christian denominational diversity is only a matter of different religious practices. Like what kind of baptism is right?
Or...what kind of church leader should I choose? The point that we must focus on matter what type of Christian or what group we are, everyone agrees on the main issues that are the same importance.
For example, we believe in one God who created the heavens and the earth. We accept that Jesus is the only way to God. And of course, there are many things that we believe and accept as well.
In fact, this is a great opportunity for us to evangelize with interested people online. We were able to explain to him the beliefs of the various sects. They all accept and believe the same.
which is “the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Many Muslims have misconceptions about Christianity. Therefore causing them to despise Christianity because of the different practices of each sect.
The difference between Christianity and Islam is There is only one properly defined form of religious practice in Islam, i.e. there is only one correct form of worship.
But while Christianity has a free way of expressing itself in the practice of religious ceremonies, But Christianity places more emphasis on the inner attitude.
Most Muslims are not aware of this fact. So we see that Christians do not give importance to the practice. But Muslims give importance to this point.
For example, Muslims believe that there is only one form of prayer. (prayer) correct And Muslims of different sects have their own methods. They believe that only their own methods are the correct methods.
As for Christianity The Bible does not tell us how to properly pray. We can pray in any way we want. So we see a group of Christians kneeling in prayer.
while another group of Christians would stand and hold their hands up when praying. Different styles of prayer Or that the different practices of each group of Christians is not a bad thing?
Rather, it reflects the fact that...the New Testament does not prescribe a code of worship. This is something that helps us explain to those interested in Muslims who come to talk to us. Because Muslims often misunderstand the differences between Christian sects.
From the example above The following is the email the counselor wrote in response to Bilal.
To... Bilal
What you write about the differences in Christianity is interesting. But I think the differences in Christianity are superficial and not important. Because every sect believes in the same God, the Creator.
We believe the Bible is also the pure word of God. We believe that Jesus (Jesus) is the Messiah (Messiah) and that it is through faith in Jesus that we can have a relationship with God. Islam also has sects.
But Catholicism and Protestantism are very different. From what I've talked with Muslim friends Sunni and Shia Islam are quite similar. It is sad that in the past Catholic and Protestant Christians fought against each other.
Jesus himself condemned violence. He said, “Do not fight evil people. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other cheek also to him. If anyone wants to sue in court to adjust your shirt
Give him your cloak also. If someone were to force you to travel one kilometer. Then go two miles with him” (Injil, Matthew 5:39-41).
This kind of response is considered good. Because we speak honestly and politely about both Christianity and Islam. Not trying to prove who is better than anyone else. And it ends by pointing out the point of seeking Jesus.